Frequently Asked Questions

  • College and Career Readiness School Models (CCRSM) Institute of Higher Education (IHE) partners are universities, community colleges, and technical colleges who engage in strategic partnerships through an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with CCRSM campuses through planning and implementation. The CCRSM IHE Network encompasses over 60+ university and college partners. To learn more about CCRSM check out our webpage.

  • We have designed the IHE Network Conference to benefit IHEs offering dual credit and concurrent enrollment. The target audience for the conference are IHEs that partner with districts to offer special programs that increase college readiness and enrollment, such as the Early College High Schools and Pathways to Technology Early College High Schools.

  • The target audience for the CCRSM IHE Network Conference is IHEs partners. If you are a campus or district interested in attending, we encourage you to reach out to your IHE partner and explore attending with your partner as a collaborator or co-presenter. To submit a conference proposal, visit the Call for Proposals page.

  • Yes, we look forward to having you join us to learn more about the CCRSM network.

  • Yes, we welcome IHEs interested in becoming a CCRSM partner. We will offer sessions specific to those who are new or interested in becoming a CCRSM IHE network partner.

  • The conference is open to all faculty and staff who work with an institute of higher education dual credit and concurrent enrollment program. This includes, but is not limited to presidents, deans, department chairs, faculty, advisors, liaisons, directors, coordinators, and staff.

  • The conference concurrent breakout sessions will follow one or more of the presentation tracks listed:

    • Partnerships 101: This track will explore the integral role partnerships play in the success of a CCRSM model. Session topics could include MOU development, collaborative strategic planning, creating crosswalks and opportunities for building capacity.

    • Course Alignment: This track will focus on programs of study, course offerings, and scheduling considerations that support building dual credit programs, crosswalks, CTE/workforce alignment, and preparing for TSIA 2.0 related to course requirements.

    • Student Support Services: This track will focus on how IHE partners develop, and execute wraparound supports, engage in recruitment, and help to create a college going culture for students enrolled in CCRSM programs.

    • Systems Building and Sustainability: This track will explore different methods of coordinating and managing partnerships with schools and districts, with a focus on staff/faculty development, data tracking, program evaluation and change management.

  • We are offering no-cost registration for Institute of Higher Education Partners in or out of the CCRSM network.

  • Yes. If you do not receive your email confirmation within 24 hours, please check your email spam folder and contact us at